It's slow at work tonight and I'm playing around on my website in between making rounds...
In looking over my Posts, I noticed that I found the black & white drawings with narratives to be most pleasing. Since nothing was happening on nurseswebsite, I drew the above comic using the cow and a mouse...
.The nurseswebsite administrators sent me a PM criticizing a post I made about communication with them about my comics. Basically, they handed me down a bunch of guidelines of what I can do and can't do on their site. I'm thinking about calling my club on nurseswebsite "Davey Do's Controlled Comics"
Here's the PM I got from the nurseswebsite administrators with which I plan to have fun. For example, the bold text within the PM are my additions:
Hello Dave,
We read in this thread where you were questioning Admins about your cartoons:
We need to address some of the things you said on the public boards.
In the above thread, you stated:
I don't know if any nurseswebsite members would be interested, but I thought I'd run it up the flagpole and see if anyone saluted. Finally, it seems it would be more fitting to have a nurse-artist draw cartoons for a nursing website. I contacted a couple of administrators last summer and availed my services as an artist. We exchanged a few PMs, I gave some ideas for projects, and worked out some legalities when the subject of reimbursement came up. I suggested that I be paid something equivalent to what writers were paid and received no response. Now, I have a vague knowledge that administrators work hard and are very busy. I can only appreciate the job they do and am relatively sure that I wouldn't want to do their job so when the communication stopped, I wasn't miffed. I firmly believe if something's meant to be, it will be. And if I didn't pass the audition and get the gig, no big deal. I still get to follow my bliss, do my art, and be actively involved in this great website. It feels good to have been able to express this.
You stated you asked about compensation and that Admins never replied. imabutterfly did reply to you in September 2018 regarding the submission process, compensation, and more. Of course we have no way to prove this since all the PMs were lost in the upgrade, but that's your tough luck, Bucko!.
Currently, we are still working on the new launch and will not be taking on any new projects until we have those associated with the new site up and running smoothly, which should be about the 12th of Never. You see, we have no concept of time. For example, we said the site would be down "a few days" during the upgrade and it turned out to be down three weeks!
In the future, we respectfully request that you contact Administration directly and not post private exchanges/discussions, publicly. Because if anyone else airs our dirty laundry, we'll take them to the cleaners!
In the above thread... (Link) and in the Cartoon Contest thread:...(Link) the cartoons you inserted accusing Jack of using stale material were rude and disrespectful, which is totally our thin-skinned perspective..
We have now edited several posts in the IDEAS thread and removed the cartoons in both threads referencing Jack because "we are the Control Boys"!
Also, whenever a member contacts you to insert a cartoon in a thread, that would be perfectly acceptable IF the request is from the Original Poster (OP) of the thread. Not other members. No way.
Threads that are submitted that are “serious” in nature (not humorous) see- we know the difference- do not warrant a cartoon response unless, as stated, the OP alerts you to include one. Otherwise, it is considered derailing the thread. This shows respect for the OP’s topic as well.
Whenever a member requests a cartoon in a thread, unless they are the OP, we respectfully request that you tell them that it would not be appropriate (or something similar).
Threads that are created to be primarily cartoon threads should be posted in the Davey Do’s Controlled Comics Club. This is a perfect example of why Clubs were developed. If you continue to develop your Club, more members will gravitate to it, which is totally conjecture..
Now that were done beating you up and communicating with you like you don't know shit from Shinola, we want to say that We certainly appreciate your participation on nurseswebsite as a valued Guide and the humor you bring to the site. We are serious (not humorous) about your humor.
We hope you take this communication in the sincere way it was intended, asshole..
NWS Admin Team
End transmission.
So, basically, after I read that PM, I drew this:
I'm thinking about changing my Comics Club logo to this:
I don't want to throw the baby out with the bath water, even though I've never wanted to keep a baby.
Herd is my new club banner which once submitted, automatically puts the translucent wording and dark scrubs face on top of the submitted image, distorting things a bit.
It's almost as if the hand with the pen is crawling out of the confusion.
Here are some passive-aggressive comics I posted on my revised club. With this first one, I'm letting them know their actions has caused me emotional stress:
I have been discriminated against and my constitutional rights violated:
This is a play on the comic they removed with Jack as the genie:
I could react inappropriately but choose not to do so:
This comic was inspired by this asinine line of ...“serious” in nature (not humorous)...
I feel much better now, thank you.
I've decided to change my club name and use it for my expressions, so to speak. This is its new banner:
You said it, Byron Shirt!
"whenever a member contacts you to insert a cartoon in a thread, that would be perfectly acceptable IF the request is from the Original Poster (OP) of the thread. Not other members."
An OP of a school thread contacted me to do a drawing of a "Malingerer Buster":
The thread was about lazy teachers who send their students in to have their temperature taken. One member said that she would just take the whole class's temperature and get it over with. Since I had been invited by the OP to do a comic, I felt like I had carte blanche, so I drew another I call "Temperature Day":
For my own entertainment, I did this one:
"the cartoons you inserted accusing Jack of using stale material were rude and disrespectful"
A member on the nurseswebsite posted, "I was talking to this nurse today and she described canada hospital as dinosaur hospital. Does anyone know what this means?"
I replied, The word "dinosaur" has a deprecate connotation, implying something that is outdated or obsolete; resists change or is old-fashioned.
My guess is that the hospital is stagnant and not on the cutting edge of treatment.
"Dinosaur Hospital" could also mean that they only treat dinosaurs, like Dino.
But I don't think so."
And posted this comic:
I call this comic "Late December back in '18*:
The nurseswebsite has a lot of newbies asking the same old questions over and over again.
I just posted this in a thread on the nurseswebsite about the most bonehead thing you've ever done as a nurse:
We'll see how the mods react to this one!
Well, thus far, no reaction. From anyone. But I am one of the most popular contributors on nurseswebsite.
Nurseswebsite has graphic art announcing certain articles, stories, and such. They usually come with pics of attractive toothpaste models dressed in medical garb.
On particular video on suicide had the real people involved posing for the pic. Their pics didn't exactly convey a lot of empathy, love, or care:
I'm having some fun spoofing nurseswebsite ads and article headers:
There's an article on nurseswebsite which is rather trite which starts out " Adultitis is characterized by people, mostly adults who take themselves too seriously" . It goes on to say that the problem is that you " put your work before fun... it’s very important to have a happy place. Plan those times during the week and treat yourself.”
Yeah. Right. With all the distractions of our hedonistic society, like smartphones where we can do just about anything that entertains us with the push of a button, we really do take ourselves and our work too seriously.
"Insouciantitis", a disease with symptoms manifested by showing a casual lack of concern or indifference toward important matters, the opposite of Adultitis, is much more problematic.
Do you take important matters casually, showing a lack of concern?
Insouciantitis is characterized by people, mostly adults, who don't take work or other matters of importance too seriously.
Signs & symptoms
People who have this disease put their fun before work and it’s very important for them to act insouciantly in order to avoid fulfilling their responsibilities. These insouciant times need not be planned, for with the ubiquitous use of smartphones and other electronic devices, insouciant behavior and treating oneself can be done anywhere at any time!
Take a break whenever you feel like it
For some people, being insouciant is an important part of life. For example, a lot of nurses and paraprofessionals don't take their work seriously, even though our work involves human life. But hey- what's a human life when you can get on your smartphone to text a friend, argue with your kids, or watch a humorous youtube?
Is there a cure?
Yeah, there is, but it takes work, and who wants to do that? Why work at being insightful, aware of others' needs, devoted or determined, when, with the push of a button, when you can escape from your reality by watching a little reality youtube!
Time passes so quickly
When giving in to whims and pursuing hedonistic endeavors, time flies! And remember, you're getting paid for the time you're clocked in, and not necessarily for the work you do!
Do you have insouciantitis?
I got another outreach message from the so-called nurseswebsite administrative team:
"Hello Dave,
This is a second reminder about posting your Cartoons on the site....
...In this Article topic, you inserted a cartoon: Bullying from Above( blah blah) . It has been removed.
In our outreach this past March, you agreed to comply with the guidelines regarding posting your Cartoons in topics and utilizing the Clubs forum as a resource.
Your reply was:
Quote ... I sincerely apologize for any ill feelings that I may have inadvertently been the cause of and will do my upmost best to adhere to the guidelines. Respectfully, Davey Do
NOTE: If an OP makes such a request, you should post in the topic that the OP requested a Cartoon for his/her topic (or, something similar).
Here are the guidelines as pointed out in the outreach from March:
Quote ... whenever a member contacts you to insert a cartoon in a thread, that would be perfectly acceptable IF the request is from the Original Poster (OP) of the thread. Not other members. Threads that are submitted that are “serious” in nature (not humorous) do not warrant a cartoon response unless, as stated, the OP alerts you to include one. Otherwise, it is considered derailing the thread. This shows respect for the OP’s topic as well. Whenever a member requests a cartoon in a thread, unless they are the OP, we respectfully request that you tell them that it would not be appropriate (or something similar). Topics that you create and are primarily cartoon threads should be posted in the Davey Do’s Comics Club. This is a perfect example of why the Clubs were developed. If you continue to develop your Club, more members will gravitate to it.
Again, we do appreciate your participation on nurseswebsite and serving as a Guide for all of the members. Thank you.
AN Admin Team"
Oh please....
My response? "Okay. Sorry."
Here's the post and the cartoon:
"I keep a few chickens, and have noticed that they have pecking parties. When one hen is weakened or sick, or if a pullet is attempted to be introduced into the brood, the other hens will peck at it, sometimes it to death. Hence, the term "pecking party".
After a hen is dead, no matter what the cause, the others apathetically go about their business as if nothing ever happened.
Management at Wrongway Regional Medical Center (WRMC) behaves in a similar fashion.
Case in point: The previous manager of my home geriatric psych unit, Margie, was a devoted employee, having worked at WRMC for over 20 years. Margie would come in early, stay late, help out on the floor if needed, and worked with her subordinates on scheduling. She went as far as to do spontaneously things for WRMC, like buy walkers at yard sales and give them to needy patients. All in all, Margie was a pretty darn good employee.
Margie once talked about the management meetings where the supervisors openly criticized each other, much like a pecking party.
Margie had a penchant for sometimes making slightly inappropriate comments off the cuff. I called her on her inappropriate comments twice in the 14 years we worked together, Margie apologized, and we more or less went about our business.
However, one time Margie made a slightly inappropriate comment to a tech in the presence of one of the very higher ups, and was suspended. The tech stood up for Margie, saying she knew Margie was only kidding and took no offense at her slightly inappropriate comment.
To our dismay, Margie ended up resigning. Amy, the director of the psych division, and Candida, the supervisor of the psych unit managers, went about their business as if nothing ever happened. No formal statement- just a response of "Margie is no longer employed here".
Yes, Deb Asswipe, hospital administrators and nurse leaders are not above bullying behavior!"
"Hello Dave,
We are reaching out to you about your recent Esoteric Feedback cartoon.
We’ve read each entry and, quite frankly are wondering, what is the problem?
You are calling Admins ‘Nazis’
You are calling Admins ‘liars’
You are accusing Admins of ‘making up the rules’
You are accusing Admins of being power hungry
You are accusing Admins of ‘working against you’
You are telling the community that your entries have been rejected from other nursing forums
The images/captions in that cartoon are very un-Guide-like and disrespectful. We have tried to lead and guide you about your cartoons yet you seem to either choose to not understand or make the conscious decision to use the site how you want to, regardless of the guidelines set forth. You give us what appears to be an insincere apology when we do reach out to you .... then, days later, start passive-aggressive topics.
So, please explain what Admins have done to warrant such behavior and disrespect.
You've disrespectfully called Admins out publicly and we deserve an explanation.
Please start a new topic in the Help Desk to respectfully communicate with all Admins.
NW Admin Team"
This is how I responded:
Basically, I told them that I never said or wrote anything in the quoted portions to any individual and that this was a case of libel.
Okay- the end of an era.
Well, they didn't really "kick me off" really. They merely took away my Guide status, demoted my community standing points, and said all my posts have to be approved by moderators.
Piss on 'em.
For now, anyway.